
Jasduit - Just do it !

Friday, January 22, 2010

Leukaemia cell culprit discovered

Leukaemia cell culprit discovered

A study of four-year-old twin girls has identified a rogue cell that is the root cause of childhood leukaemia. The finding could mean more s...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Taking fish oil supplements can reduce memory loss in old age, claim scientists

Taking fish oil supplements can reduce memory loss in old age, claim scientists

T aking fish oils can give adults starting to suffer 'senior moments' the brain power of someone three years younger, a study claims...
Curry spice 'kills cancer cells'

Curry spice 'kills cancer cells'

An extract found in the bright yellow curry spice turmeric can kill off cancer cells, scientists have shown. The chemical - curcumin - has l...

Monday, January 18, 2010

Stress `can cause heart damage’

Stress `can cause heart damage’

Getting stressed really is bad for your heart, according to new research claiming to show a 'clear-cut' connection to potentially fa...
How to eat better to protect your heart

How to eat better to protect your heart

Your heart is a muscle. Exercise makes it beat faster, enabling blood to flow quicker, carrying more oxygen and nutrients to your cells and ...

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Breathing 'can cause heart attacks'

Breathing 'can cause heart attacks'

Breathing can cause heart attacks, scientists have warned, after increasing air pollution was linked to health problems. Experts say evidenc...

Friday, January 15, 2010

Berjalan Kaki Untuk Kesihatan

Berjalan Kaki Untuk Kesihatan

Sebelum ini saya dah banyak buat posting mengenai kelebihan bersenam untuk menjaga kesihatan. Saya juga sering mengsyorkan pada kawan-kawan ...
Bersenam Untuk Membantu Kuatkan Ingatan Orang Tua

Bersenam Untuk Membantu Kuatkan Ingatan Orang Tua

Bila dah masuk umur melebihi 50 tahun, perkara yang sering dikeluhkan oleh kita ialah daya ingatan yang semakin lemah. Kita juga kadang kala...