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Monday, May 3, 2010

Tidur Lama Panjang Umur - Kajian

  Mohd Shubhi       Monday, May 3, 2010
Majority mereka yang tua dan panjang umur akan memberitahu mereka tidur lama jika ditanya bagaimana aktiviti tidur mereka.

Lagi panjang umur mereka, lagi lama mereka tidur dalam satu hari.

Tolak faktor kesihatan lain, kajian mencadangkan bahawa mereka yang tidur nyenyak dan lama setiap hari akan hidup lebih lama dari mereka yang tidur sedikit.

Baru-baru ini Malaysia diumumkan akan menjadi negara Tua, iaitu negara yang 15% daripada penduduknya terdiri daripada mereka yang berumur lanjut (saya tak pasti berapa umur yang dikatakan tua, mungkin lebih dari 70 tahun kot?).

Aliran yang ada menunjukkan semakin ramai rakyat Malaysia yang panjang umur, yang memberi maksud kalau ikut kajian ini bahawa semakin ramai rakyat Malaysia yang banyak tidurnya.

Biasanya mereka yang sihat tidak akan menghadapi masalah tidur, mereka yang tidak sihat serta banyak masalah akan menghadapi masalah tak boleh tidur.

Tak tahu mana yang datang dulu, tak boleh tidur sebab banyak masalah lalu pendek umur atau, senang tidur jadi tak ada masalah maka panjang umur???.

Jangan tak ada masalah tapi tak mau tidur sudahlah. Saya lampirkan artikel berkenaan berita ini untuk pembacaan anda di bawah:

Old age 'could be linked to getting plenty of sleep'

The secret of living to an old age could be linked to getting plenty of sleep, a new study suggests. By Kate Devlin, Medical Correspondent Published: 8:30AM BST 01 May 2010

Researchers found that those who had lived to be 100 or older were much more likely than younger age groups to sleep for 10 hours or longer a night.

They were also more likely to say that they slept well than those in their 60s and 70s, even after other factors such as health problems were taken into account.

The study was carried out in China, which has the largest population of elderly people in the world. But researchers believe that the findings are also important for other countries which have increasingly ageing populations, such as Britain.

The study of more than 15,000 pensioners also found that, overall, men were more likely to get better sleep than women.

The volunteers, who included nearly 2,800 people aged 100 or older, were asked to rate how they slept and for how many hours a day, including any naps that they took. On average, the participants said that they slept for around seven and a half hours a day.

But those who had lived for a century or more slept the most, the researchers found. They were the least likely to sleep for a short time each day, counted as less than five hours, and almost three times as likely as the other age groups to sleep for 10 hours a day or more.

Researchers believe that a link between overall health, quality of sleep and the chances of living to an old age could be behind the findings.

"Age and health conditions are the two most important factors associated with self-reported sleep quality and duration," said Danan Gu, from Portland State University, in Oregon, who led the study.

Volunteers who said that their health was poor were half as likely to get a good night’s sleep as those who rated themselves in rude health, the findings, published in the journal Sleep, also show.

Although the researchers say that their study did not look directly at the reason why some people live to an old age they believe that the findings mean that we should not worry that an ageing population will mean an increase in sleeping problems.

In the past, doctors have warned that people can find it more difficult to sleep as they get older. But Mr Gu said:
"The majority of healthy (older people) could experience satisfactory sleep quality. "Sleep problems at oldest-old ages likely arise from a variety of physiological and psychosocial factors rather than ageing." `

Experts estimate that the numbers of elderly people in Britain will rise dramatically over the next few decades. The number of people over 85 alone is predicted to increase by around one third by 2020, leaving almost two million in that age bracket.

Walau apapun, untuk mendapatkan rehat yang secukupnya secara optimim, waktu tidur yang dicadangkan adalah selama 7 atau 8 jam sahaja. Tidak lebih dan tidak kurang dalam lungkingan tersebut. Tidur yang terlalu lama boleh membuatkan otak jadi pelupa.

Terima Kasih kerana membaca, Tidur Lama Panjang Umur - Kajian

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  1. salm kalau yg ada banyak masaalah banyak tidur macamana pula heheheh....sekadar renungan...

  2. Abdullah,
    Itu namanya "masalah kuat tidur"

  3. hahahaa.. memmang menarik sangat post ini.. ada la sahabat saya suka tido bnyk .. last sekali umuq dah 80 tahun pasai tido tak sedar diri . ;)


Segala komen pembaca amat dihargai, tapi mohon komen dengan berhemah ya ! Terima Kasih !